11 Month Old Nap Schedule: Tips And Guide


As a parent, you probably know the importance of sleep for your baby’s growth and development. By the time your baby is 11 months old, they should have established a nap schedule. However, it’s not always easy to know what is best for your baby. In this article, we will provide you with tips and a guide to help you create an 11 month old nap schedule that works for your baby.

Personal Experience

When my baby was 11 months old, I struggled with establishing a nap schedule. She would nap at different times of the day, and sometimes she wouldn’t nap at all. I was worried that she wasn’t getting enough sleep, and it was affecting her mood and behavior. After some research and trial and error, I finally found a nap schedule that worked for her.

Importance of Nap Schedule

Establishing a nap schedule for your 11 month old baby is important for several reasons. First, it helps your baby get the amount of sleep they need to support their growth and development. Second, it helps your baby establish a routine and promotes good sleep habits. Third, it allows you to plan your day and schedule activities around your baby’s nap time.

List of Events or Competition of “11 Month Old Nap Schedule”

There are no specific events or competitions related to an 11 month old nap schedule. However, many parenting forums and groups discuss nap schedules and share tips and experiences.

Detail Schedule Guide for “11 Month Old Nap Schedule”

Here is a sample nap schedule for an 11 month old baby: – 7:00 am – Wake up and breakfast – 9:00 am – Nap for 1-2 hours – 12:00 pm – Lunch – 2:00 pm – Nap for 1-2 hours – 5:00 pm – Dinner – 7:00 pm – Bedtime routine – 8:00 pm – Bedtime It’s important to note that every baby is different, and this schedule may not work for everyone. Some babies may need more or less sleep, or they may prefer to nap at different times of the day. You should adjust the schedule based on your baby’s needs and preferences.

Schedule Table for “11 Month Old Nap Schedule”

Time Activity
7:00 am Wake up and breakfast
9:00 am Nap for 1-2 hours
12:00 pm Lunch
2:00 pm Nap for 1-2 hours
5:00 pm Dinner
7:00 pm Bedtime routine
8:00 pm Bedtime

Question and Answer

Q: What if my baby doesn’t nap for the recommended time?

A: Every baby is different, and some may not nap for the full recommended time. If your baby wakes up earlier than expected, try to get them back to sleep by soothing them or offering a pacifier. If your baby consistently doesn’t nap for the recommended time, you may need to adjust the schedule or seek advice from a pediatrician.

Q: What if my baby doesn’t want to nap at the recommended time?

A: It’s common for babies to resist napping, especially as they get older. If your baby doesn’t want to nap at the recommended time, try to establish a routine by offering a quiet activity or a soothing environment. You can also try to adjust the schedule to fit your baby’s preferences.


Q: How many naps should my 11 month old baby have?

A: Most 11 month old babies need two naps per day. However, some babies may need more or less sleep, and you should adjust the schedule accordingly.

Q: How long should my baby’s naps be?

A: Most 11 month old babies need 1-2 hour naps. However, some babies may need more or less sleep, and you should adjust the schedule accordingly.

Q: What if my baby wakes up during their nap?

A: If your baby wakes up during their nap, try to get them back to sleep by soothing them or offering a pacifier. If they don’t go back to sleep, you can consider the nap over and adjust the schedule accordingly.

Q: What if my baby naps too close to bedtime?

A: It’s best to avoid napping too close to bedtime, as it can interfere with your baby’s sleep. If your baby naps too close to bedtime, you may need to adjust the schedule to allow for more awake time before bed.


Establishing an 11 month old nap schedule can be challenging, but it’s important for your baby’s growth and development. By following the tips and guide provided in this article, you can create a nap schedule that works for your baby and promotes good sleep habits. Remember, every baby is different, and you should adjust the schedule based on your baby’s needs and preferences.

How we Montessori 11 months
How we Montessori 11 months from petitevie.ca

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